
Big Brother_ Chapter 3

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 I woke up to the sound of a sickly cough.
Cackle, cackle.
 I sat up to see a silhouette in the doorway.
“Y-you” it coughed. “GET OUT.” I got up from the bed.
“Oh, I beg your pardon… I am Detective-”
“Get out or die.” it threatened.
 It sounded like a young man’s voice. He took a step toward me. Finally processing the situation, I could tell he was serious.
“Ten seconds” it said. “Ten… nine…” it took another step, “One!”
 Surprised by his quick count, it took time for me react as he lunged at me. Out of sheer habit, I gave him a right hook to the cheek, running passed him and headed downstairs, knowing that punch wouldn’t subdue him for long.
“Time’s up!” he yelled after me.
 I ran out the door into the night. The sky had a small gleam of purple. Dawn wasn’t for another few hours.
“You think you can leave?” it yelled, “Unacceptable. I won’t allow it_ we won’t allow it.”
 I ran into another building, still hearing the echoes of his yells.

 I kept still, my back against the door, catching my breath. I suddenly could hear his quick footsteps slow to a walk. I held my breath, hearing his every move.
“Come out, come out wherever you are.” he taunted as he began his game of cat and mouse.
 I heard him break into the building next door.
“You can’t hide forever… We want you dead.”
Get to the hotel!” I was ordered.
 That whisper… I turned around to find no one there.
Hurry!” it yelled.
 I quickly pulled open the door and ran out.
Go right!” I was ordered.
“Can’t run.” I heard behind me.
“Looks like you’ve got no alternative, Mitch.” I ran to the right.
Take a left at the next block, at the saloon. The hotel’s the huge building at the end. Hurry!
 I did so, running as fast as I possible could, knocking down anything in my path to slow down the psycho chasing after me. I’d question my sanity. Right now, survival was crucial.

 I finally saw the huge building. It had, over the top floor windows, a huge, billboard light that said Catalina Hotel. I ran in, closing the door, locking it. Conveniently, there were chairs next to the door. I put one underneath the knob.
“Hopefully, that will keep him out.” He banged on the door, making a picture on the wall fall. “Or not.”
 I turned and ran down the hall, up the stairs to see… a ballroom? It was faintly lit. I closed its two doors and locked it.

 I slid down the door, out of breath.
“At least I found the murderer.” I breathed.
No, no. You’re wrong!” the voice yelled, “You must keep going!
 I ignored its begging.
“I found the murderer: case closed.” I answered, finally deciding to question my sanity.

Please. It’s not solved… Not yet!” it pleaded, “You must keep going! It’s not safe here!
“Not safe... not safe? You told me to run in here.”
I’m sorry. It was a stupid place to bring you. But it’s all I could think of that was away from ‘them’. Triston was the last person I could trust, but ‘he’ got to him before I could lead you to his location.
“Ah, this is insane- I’M insane. I’m having an argument with no one.”

 The voice sighed in disagreement. “Just listen!” it pleaded.

 I got up and walked throughout the ballroom.
“Well, it’s only a matter of time before Psycho breaks in and kills me. So why not?”
The door on the other side of the room is the only way out. As soon as you leave this room, be as quiet as you can. I can’t have him hear you.
“Him?” I repeated.
No time to explain. You friend, Psycho, finally broke in. Go through that door. And remember, be as quiet as you possible can.
“If I’m slow, careful, and quiet, that psychotic maniac will surely find and kill me.”
I promise you, he won’t. Trust me, please go through the door.
 I walked toward the other side of the ballroom and slowly opened the door. I slipped through the small opening and slowly closed it back.

 I turned to see a dark blankness ahead of me. “I can’t see a thing.” I whispered but was shushed by the voice.
Be very, very quiet.” it whispered.
 My eyes adjusted, finally able to see what looked like another hallway. I felt around the walls.
We’re now in the dining room. Go left and you’ll find a door.” it said.
 I gently felt around, trying not to bump into anything, as I went left. Finally, I found a door and opened it. I stepped inside.
Oh no…” I heard the voice say.
“What, what’s wrong?” she shushed me.
Now don’t panic, but… this room is very unsteady. The bottom line, the floor has tons of holes.” she breathed in disappointment, “This is bad. This is really bad. This room was lit the last time I was here. But if it’s dark, then that means-” it gasped. “We have to hurry.
 I took a step forward, then another. “Speed it up!” it said.
“What happened to slow and quiet?” I whispered. It shushed me once more.
Well… Look, remember that monster that was chasing you downstairs? Well, I have a feeling it’s now allowed up here.
Sssssssshhhhhh. I’m not sure yet. But… since this room isn’t lit like it was before, then he knows you’re here.

 Great… more to worry about. I tried to pick up the pace. Speed walking blind in an unsteady room with tons of holes in it isn’t easy. Following the voice’s instructions, I hung onto chairs and crawled over tables, trying to make my way to the door on the other side.
“So where’s the next lit room?” I whispered.
 Once again, I was shushed.
I’m not entirely sure. But from what I do remember, it’s on the next floor.
 Perfect, just perfect.

Almost there.” it promised.
 My hand finally touched familiar ridges, a door. I felt for the knob and turned it. I ran inside, closing the door. Strangely, the room was lit.
“Well this is perfect. Halleluiah!” I whispered a cheer.
 The voice gave a worried sigh.
“This is good right. You said lit rooms are safe.”
 The more bad news the merrier.

Yes, that is what I told you.” it said in a concerned voice, “We are safe… safe from ‘him’, not from the monsters he sends.
 I frowned, now understanding why it was so worried.
I’m still unsure if he gave Josh permission to enter the upper floors… but, if he did… I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep you safe.
 A chair flew across the room. Did it throw it?
Damn, I knew this was stupid!” it yelled, “I shouldn’t have brought you here.” it was silent. “Maybe- maybe I can still get you out of this. But, to do so, I’ll need help_ more help than this newly lit room.

 I sat on the floor.
“Forget it.” I said.
 It didn’t respond. “I’m already in deep shit. I don’t think I’ll be able to crawl out of this without finishing it.”
 I forced out a chuckle.
“Wish I had some smokes and a Bud Lite for celebrating when this is all over.”
 The voice seemed acceptant.
Fine, if you wanna get yourself killed. Just be on your guard.” it was silent, “You should sleep.
 I shook my head.
“Monster” I replied.
Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered for now. So far, I still sense it on the second floor. Plus, we should take advantage of the newly lit room. It’s the safest place right now… well, kind of safe, but you my point. I’ll wake you if something’s up. It’ll be fine.

 I could tell it was lying in reassurance, but it was right. I wouldn’t be of any help if I was exhausted. I closed my eyes once more, half asleep. My heart still beat a thousand times a second. I struggled to dream and rest… My heart beat became loud pounding in my head like a hard reminder that I was very close to meeting death at any moment.

Still continuing this...
1 more chap, then I need feed back (since that is all I currently have).
I've got a surprise for you lil kiddies_ for the lack of fanfiction... Can't wait til Friday.
:movingon: I'm think of posting another story on the side of this.
It's preeeety old (freshmen year of highschool) ^^; my writing was a lot different back then than it is now.
(btw... :iconwhisperplz: this is random BLABBER.)
If you're reading the story with your head titled to the side, feel free ask questions. If something is unclear, I don't mind fixing it up. Feedback helps me improve my writing (even if this is 2 yr old writing) :iconhehhehplz:

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